Monday, March 15, 2010

March Madness


DNow Counselor Meeting Monday, March 15th @ 5pm in the CLC Conference Room.

DNow Dinner Thursday, March 18th @ 6:30pm in CLC
We will be having a catered meal for all of our DNow students, host homes, counselors, and workers. It will be HERE! that we announce who is your counselor and host home for the weekend. Come hang out and get to know your counselors and host homes before the weekend. Find out who you got!!

DiscipleNow March 19-21
DNow begins Friday @ 6:30pm in the CLC and will conclude after morning service on Sunday.
Cost is $25 per student and registration is open until Friday @ 6:3opm! Invite your friends to be a part of a fun-filled awesome weekend!

Solid Rock Sunday, March 28th
Following the evening service we will be hanging out in the CLC for some time of fun and games. We will be grilling some delicious hot dogs and hamburgers for your refined palates. Great time to invite your friends to hear the Youth Choir sing in the evening service and then play games afterward at Solid Rock! Get the word out!

Summer Camp Deposit Due Sunday, March 28th
Camp deposits of $100 per student are due. If you have questions or concerns please contact Bro. Adam at the church office. We do have limited scholarships available (with reading and writing assignments) and multi-student family discounts.

Monday, February 22, 2010

DNow is Coming!!

Check out the video for Dnow 2k10!!

Register Now

Monday, February 15, 2010

Coming Attractions

Feb. 27th
CSRA Youth Leader Training
Cost:  Free   original cost is $25 but we want you to be at it so bad that we're picking up the tab!
8am-4pm @ Warren Baptist Church
There will be seasoned youth ministers/workers teaching sessions teaching on many various topics that will help us lead, teach, and encourage our students in their Christian life.

March 14th-  This is solely for your info only:  NOT a youth group sponsored event
Toby Mac Concert
with Brandon Heath and House of Heroes
Sunday, March 14 @ 6:30pm
USC Aiken Convocation Center
Sponsored by WAFJ 88.3

March 18th, Thursday
DNow Intro Dinner
6:30pm @ CLC
Cost:  Free for registered participants, counselors, host homes, and volunteers
This dinner will be a time of meeting your host homes and counselors and review of the schedule and events for the weekend

March 19-21 Fri-Sun
Disciple Now Weekend
The weekend will begin Friday night at 6:30pm in the CLC, from there we will disperse to our host homes and begin our DNow festivities.
Cost:  $25 per student

June 14-18
Student Life Summer Camp
Cost:  $299 per student
Wake Forest University Campus in Winston-Salem, NC
Plan now for Summer Camp!!!  This year we will be taking both MS and HS on the same trip.  Our goal is to grow closer as a student ministry from youngest to oldest.  Don't let the cost of camp catch you by surprise.  We can set-up payment schedules to help prevent one big expense at the time of camp.  Also, there are scholarships available for those in financial difficulty (reading and writing projects required) and for those with multiple students in the student ministry going to camp.

February Wisdom

Raising The Bar: Ministry to Youth in the New Millennium  
By: Alvin L. Reid

I know I'm a little past due in posting this month and for that I apologize.  But the recommendation for this month's reading fits perfectly into what I see this student ministry becoming.  We have some incredible students that love God and desire to make that known to their friends and this community.  This is my heart, to teach and guide all of our students into mature and knowledgeable Christian life. 

Raising the Bar is an encouraging and challenging book to students, youth workers, youth pastors.  Reid challenges us as workers to challenge the youth to step up into their faith and take it seriously.  He begins the book with an objective synopsis of this and coming generations, what they are capable of doing, and how young people have been critical forces in spiritual awakenings in the past.  Reid then urges the youth pastor and workers to led their youth in deep relationships with Christ, to quit playing games and treating them as children but pull them into spiritual maturity and growth.  One of the greatest statements in the book is a quote from a then-seventeen year old named Kristin when asked "What advice should I give those who work with youth?  Kristin said, 'Tell them we know how to be teenagers.  We want to them to show us how to be adults.'"  Such a statements rips into your heart causing us to ask "Are we teaching them to be adults or are we pampering them to remain children?" 

Reid is a professor of evangelism at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and travels the country yearly speaking at youth conferences, meetings, and retreats.  A father of 2, and personally seeing the result of his children, I fully endorse this book and his advice and encouragement. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hold On Cause Here We Go...

Sunday, Jan. 17th
Solid Rock following the evening service.  Food, vball, dodgeball, ping-pong, pool, bball, and lots of fun!

Monday, Jan. 25th
Matt Papa concert.  Held at Wesley UMC Gym.  Cost is $5 (proceeds go to Murphy Harpst)
We will meet at the CLC @ 6:15pm, return around 9pm. 

Sunday Feb. 7th
Super Bowl Solid Rock!!  We will watch the Super Bowl on the Big Screen in the gym, hang out, eat some football grub.  Invite all your friends to join.  Cost:  at least 1 can good item.  We will be raising canned goods for the Golden Harvest Food Bank's Souper Bowl of Caring.  We want over 100 lbs of canned goods!!!

Thursday, Feb. 11th
Winter Jam.   yeah, c'mon!!  If you are 16+ and would like to serve at the Winter Jam please let Bro. Adam know.  We are trying to see if we can serve at the concert.  For all others, this is info for you to do as you please.  At this time there will NOT be a group going to just the concert.  Feel free to get a group together and do so though.  Cost is $10 at the door.  There are no advanced tickets sold.  Doors open at 6pm, Concert starts at 7pm.  I highly suggest getting there extra early for good seats! 

Fri - Sun., March 19-21
DiscipleNOW!!  what?! what?!  This is going to be a great weekend of fun and challenges in your faith.  Invite your friends and tell them to join in! 
Cost: $25

July 14-18
Student Life Summer Camp
Cost: $299
Start putting back for camp now.  Do work around the house to earn some dough, cut some grass when Spring comes around, do whatever is legal and moral to earn some cash to go to camp!!!  It's an awesome time of learning, fellowship, building friendships, deepening friendships, competition, great praise music, and awesome challenging messages. 
Place:  Wake Forest University,  Winston-Salem, Nc

August 1-4
Jr/ Sr Retreat
Go ahead and mark this on your calendar if you are an upcoming Jr or Sr!  We will be taking a magical trip to an undisclosed location at an undisclosed cost (under $150) for some nice retreat time before the dreaded Kryptonite of every teenager returns, School!  ahahahaha!!!  It's a few days away to relax, have fun, but also to focus on the upcoming school year and strategically think about how you can impact your campus for Christ in the new school year, and lead in the Student Ministry.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What a Way To Start A New Year!!

Don't Waste Your Life  by John Piper

Let me start by wishing you a very Happy New Year!!  I hope this next year will be one of the best year's you have had yet. 

With the new year comes all kinds of resolutions.  At the beginning of every new year we make promises to ourselves that we are going to change something about our life or ourselves.  People make resolutions like losing weight, get a new job, get a raise, go on a certain vacation, get their finances in order, etc.  Let me make a suggestion for you.  Why not make this year's resolution that you Don't Waste Your Life?  You want your life to count for something, right!  Of course you do, we all do, so why not start this year in living your life with intentionality and purpose? 

John Piper encourages us to not waste our life and be lulled into the ways and thoughts of success of the world.  But to live our lives in reckless abandon for Real Purpose, with intent, All For Jesus!  Pick-up Piper's book today and begin reading and being encouraged as he excites us to live a life of purpose and not waste this gift God has given us.  The only purpose in life is to live for Christ, so why not resolve to start with this year and live intentionally for Christ with passion!

Monday, December 14, 2009

December Delight

Praise Habit:  Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi
By:  David Crowder

I've been wondering about what book I should recommend for December.  As I reflected in the somber twilight of my florescent lit office and aroma candles burning I once again asked myself.

"Self, what book should I recommend this month?"  and self replied back "Well, it is December.  It would be good to recommend something on the birth of Jesus Christ or about His coming."  I thought told self "Yes, that would be good, it would be good to recommend a book that would praise Jesus' coming in human flesh and being born by a Virgin as foretold by the prophets and being born in a manger.  But why just focus on praising Him now?!  We should praise Him all the time!  It should be a habit!"  Then self thought told me "You're right, you should recommend Praise Habit by David Crowder because he takes several of the Psalms and reflects on them and how they direct us to make praising God a habit in all things of life.  It's not a thing we do but more of who we are."  So, I thought said to self "That's a great idea.  I think a lot of people would enjoy reading Praise Habit by David Crowder.  He makes some really great points about Praise being a Habit and not something we do on Sunday mornings.  And the way he wrote it is hilarious, whimsical, and yet brutally honest."  Then self thought replied back to me "yeah, that's what I was thinking.  And, a lot of people know him from his Christian Band with Sixsteps Records called 'The David Crowder *Band'.  He rocks your face off with music that praises God and he writes words that are bound together with pages that praises God too!  It has to be good stuff."  And I thought told self "oh, it is good stuff I've read it before.  Have you read it before?"  and self thought told me "oh, yeah, man, I've read it a couple of times.  It's that good.  And it's good to be reminded about making Praise a Habit in your life and not just an event."  And I thought said to self "Right On!  Right On!"